▶ Wha-chan APP (Wha-chan App) Information-Location-based life industry guide service app for users (users)-Location-based delivery, restaurant search function-Event notification service function (Receive function, reception control function)-Wildflower photo (original view, save to my phone, share function)-QR code recognition function-Free movie discount ticket for the 4 major theaters nationwide▶ Additional Information-Cost-effective solution for customer satisfaction and business success-Website creation, management and promotion at once-Blog production, management and promotion at once-Blog posting production, management and promotion at once▶ Company Information-Founded in April 2000-Venture company, Innobiz company certification-Awarded the Minister of Knowledge Economy Award-Main Address: 5th floor, 262 Jungang-ro, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul (Sinjeong-dong, Medibioplex)-Representative phone: 1577-7942-Email:
[email protected], search for Wha-chan in Daum